Ampere Energy Apps

AMPi 1.0.2
Ampere Energy
AMPi is an application to manage any of yourAmpere-Energy systems. Sign up with your product code and set upyour first system, either Sphere, Square and / or Tower.Ampere-Energy systems aresmart and intelligent batteries fordomesticuse. They work very efficiently by combining them with aphotovoltaic system. In this way you can enjoy your solar energyall day and all night long.Your new Ampere Energy system uses the weather forecast, the priceof electricity and your consumption habits to calculate the mostefficient way to manage your energy.Once your equipment is configured and connected to the Internet,you can see in real time how the energy flows through your home,from the photovoltaic system and the batteries, to your appliancesand the electricity grid. AMPi shows you how to manage all theseelements to make your life an unforgettable experience.And all this in your hand, from any mobile device.AMPi has three main modes of operation:-Flow diagram of the energy of your house in real time.-Mode time machine, where you can see the history of allconsumption data, generation, price ...-Configuration mode, whereyou can activate consumption alarms andmodify all the data of your user profile. You can also add newdevices.With AMPi, you can always have your new smart energy manager onhand. A very intuitive app that shows the current activity of yourAmpere-Energy storage battery.Download this application now for free to enjoy all itsbenefits.
MyAmpere 2.2.19
Ampere Energy
App for the personalized management of your energy storageequipment.
MyAmpere 2.2.19
Ampere Energy
App for the personalized management of your energy storageequipment.